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Mark Zuckerberg: How I Hire People for Facebook

| Sunday 8 March 2015
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Mark Zuckerberg: How I Hire People for Facebook

If you ask a CEO of some big fat company this question- “How you hire people?”, he/she might be telling you about several kind of qualities like skill, intelligence, ethics value etc. These things are no doubt very necessary when you want the best person for the work, but Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook thinks a little different.
He checks one particular thing besides all these skill and intelligence. Mark Zuckerberg has built a 200billion dollar company with more than 9000 employees. Recently he made it to the top 20 of the Forbes richest people list.

Mark Zuckerberg said in reply to this question:
“I will only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work for that person and It’s a pretty good test and I think this rule has served me well.” He also said, “in an alternative universe if things were different and I didn’t start the company, I would be happy to work for that person.”

Mark Zuckerberg: How I Hire People for Facebook

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Sunday 8 March 2015
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10 Smartest People Alive Today

| Friday 6 March 2015
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10 Smartest People Alive Today

As we all know that there are lots of clever minds on this planet, but the fact is that not all of them are genius. A person with an IQ of 140 or higher is considered as Genius. Only 0.5% of the world’s population can use their mind up to that level, that means 1 person out of 200- these are the smartest people on the planet. The way they see things and react and draw conclusions are much different and seem crazy to others.
Today, I am going you to show a list of 10 smartest people alive. I am pretty sure you have heard about some of them but not all of them. Also, I am sure that the very first name which comes in everyone’s mind while talking about alive  smartest people or genius people is of Stephen Hawking. Yeah, that’s right, Theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking has an IQ of level 160. But there are others who have much more IQ.
Check the list below:
You may not see some of your favorite personalities in the list because everyone couldn’t be included in the list. This list of smartest people was generated by and the infographics are taken from

10 Smartest People Alive Today

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Friday 6 March 2015
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Engineers, Take Pride in Yourself : To Engineer is Human (Video)

| Saturday 31 January 2015
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Engineers, Take Pride in Yourself : To Engineer is Human (Video)

This is a video for the “Engineering For You” video contest by theNational Academy of Engineering, encouraging people to explore the human side of engineering.
It is a compilation video made possible by hundreds, thousands, millions of engineers and people across the wrold creating a world none of us could dream possible alone.
Engineers, take pride!

Engineers, Take Pride in Yourself : To Engineer is Human (Video)

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Saturday 31 January 2015
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These War Strategies Used By Indians Across Generations Are Mindblowing

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These War Strategies Used By Indians Across Generations Are Mindblowing

From the Rajputs to our terribly own army, air force and navy, Indians across generations came up with some very novel ways in which to defeat the opposition they faced  throughout war. Here are seven that'll undoubtedly blow your mind!

1. Elephant costumes for horses

Merwar rulers in Asian country fooled opposition elephants by creating their horses wear baby elephant trunks. Therefore, opponents' elephants would refuse to attack the horses thinking they were truly baby elephants. Maharana Pratap used this war plan of action within the famed Battle of Haldi Ghati.

2. Small gates inside forts in Rajasthan.

in Rajasthan, forts were created in such manner|how|some way|the way|the simplest way} that the gates to any space or hall were continually way too little. At first, this appears like a construction error. however there is a lot of thereto. throughout a war state of affairs, because the troopers from the opposite troop entered and bent their heads to urge in, troopers standing next to the gate would chop their heads off. In fact, generally the gates would hospitable a dead finish before. Scary!

3. Using South Indians in war to confuse Pakistanis.

During the 1971 war, the Republic of Indian army deployed South Indian signal employees so as to confuse the Pakistanis World Health Organization had a superior code breaking instrumentation than India at the time. The South Indians spoke in languages that weren't simply well-known to the Pakistanis and this helped Indians communicate on the QT.ates would receptive a dead finish ahead. Scary!

south indian

4. Did you know Indians were pioneers in rocket artillery?

Mysore was the primary Indian state back within the day to use iron-cased rockets for military functions. Hyder Ali, the eighteenth century ruler of Mysore, and even yellow jacaranda swayer, used them against Brits Malay Archipelago Company! yellow jacaranda swayer even wrote the military manual Fathul Mujahiddin, that is taken into account a pioneer book within the field of rocket artillery.


5. When Indians spoke Russian.

The Indian navy crew on-board the missile destroyer INS Nirghat, INS Nipat and INS Veer disbursed communications with the military installation at metropolis and therefore the IAF in Russian. Not English or Hindi! 
This was done to fool the Pakistani service intelligence before the commencement, and through Operation spear, as they might not trace the relations to any offensive ocean movements by the Indian Navy. Operation spear was followed by Operation Python that destroyed the Karachi port within the 1971 Indo-Pak war.
The West Pakistan intelligence mistook this radio chatter as that of the Russian Navy remote within the Arabian Sea (far from Karachi) thinking that it's going to be associated with counter the U.S. Navy movements within the region throughout the war. Poor Pakistanis, that they had no clue what hit them. (Via Aniket Deshpande on Quora)

6. Sending torching bulls the enemy's way.

Our terribly own Shivaji tied burning torches to the horns of bulls and set them free in giant numbers within the dead of the night. From a distance, it appeared as if an outsized army was advancing to attack. Eventually, it simply afraid the hell out of enemy troopers. Shivaji used this strategy to scare Shahistekhan's (Aurangzeb uncle) army. (Via Vijay Thorat on Quora)


7. The Maratha Warriors attacked in groups.

It was within the seventeenth century once the Marathas attacked the encircling Muslim Kingdoms of Bijapur and Qutub Shahi, that had AN outright numerical advantage and large armies, however very little data of the geographical layout of the Western Ghats and therefore the Deccan highland. They wont to build alittle cluster of troopers and attack from mountains from completely different locations that created them seem like an outsized cluster of troopers. 
This technique was used once more throughout Mughal wars. (Via Deepak French Sudan on Quora)

66 Things Only An Engineering Student Will Understand.

| Thursday 29 January 2015
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66 Things Only An Engineering Student Will Understand.

Engineers wreak a distinct currency altogether. If three Idiots didn’t teach you that, go and watch that picture once more. Here square measure things solely AN engineering student can perceive. 

#1. Transformers don't seem to be precisely what they show in sci-fi movies. No, really.
#2. you'll be able to ne'er decide a portable computer with its color.
#3. Pink portable computer ne'er helps. Enough aforesaid.
#4. women in Mechanical and Civil Department square measure like 404 errors. they're not & ne'er found.
#5. You’re associate engineer if your life is as non-existent as a lightweight ray in an exceedingly dark hole.
#6. Your grades sink at the speed of sinking of the large.
#7. you like to create things.
#8. And destroy them later.
#9. The last time you slept properly was within the nineteenth century.
Cat-Sleeping (1)
#10. house is wherever the Wi-Fi is.
#11. You don’t want a pair of weight unit make-up as long as you’ve Photoshop.
#12. you'll decision a woman tanC/sinC = (SEXY!) aloud publicly. pure mathematics, take a bow!
#13. Engineering and a lovey-dovey relationship will ne'er get on an equivalent page.
#14. Not during this universe, at least.
#15. you suspect in time travel.
#16. And Higgs Boson’s theory.
#17. And aliens.
#18. And zombies.
#19. You can’t simply get out of the vicious circle of ATKTs and backlogs.
#20. Your grades depend upon the mood of the paper checker
#21. Or his abdomen, to be precise.
#22. You don’t wish to mess with associate degree Engineer on his submission day.
#23. Or his test Day.
#24. communicating preparations begin on a similar day. Kal kab aayega? 
#25. Engineering Graphics, grand art a heartless bitch!
#26. the sole thanks to get your machine started is to hit it.
#27. Or flip it the wrong way up.
#28. What smart is AN Engineering Degree if you can’t fix room appliances?
#29. Engineers will neither be created nor destroyed. they solely get transferred from one hell to a different.
30. There’s invariably a wonk UN agency should ruin your mass bunking set up.
#31. To hell with school group action, all that matters to United States of America is canteen group action.
#32. you'll be able to go while not sleeping for 2 days straight.
#33. Same goes with the tub. No surprise toilet article could be a life-saver!
#34. Sunday could be a story.
#35. Alpha, beta, and gamma ar the 3 villains of our life.
#36. arithmetic ought to extremely recover from his X. She has stirred on. Period.
#37. Vivas ar funny.
#38. Re-vivas don't seem to be. Re-vivas ar horrible.
#39. You’re AN introvert.
#40. you're probably to own searched “How to socialise” on YouTube or Google.
#41. You’re usually spoken as marriage-material.
#42. Free Food and Free Wi-Fi will much create United States do something.
#43. you've got learnt the art of human action via thought transference.
#44. Last benches area unit perpetually reserved.
#45. You’re therefore afraid of exams that you simply attempt to bribe the lords to avoid wasting you from failing.
#46. *Bhagwan! Iss baar pass karva do pleaj*
#47. however you finally manage to fail even with the grace marks!
#48. You have, a minimum of for once, tried to create your own Iron Man suit.
#49. And Sonic Death Ray.
#50. And Power-Puff women. (Yeah, like that academician, you know!)
#51. And what not!
#52. “I’ve completed my information,” aforesaid no Engineer ever.
#53. Not unless he’s drunk. Okay perhaps not even then.
#54. You and Fashion reside in fully totally different hemispheres.
#55. Your handwriting will offer powerful competition thereto of a doctor.
#56. That one who same “Engineering ME bohot scope hai” remains in your Black list.
#57. That Xerox-machine owner on your faculty field is currently the richest man on planet.
#58. Your brain is thus depleted that you just have thought-about merchandising it on OLX.
#59. With no come policy, though.
#60. Life is however a dream. And losing your Hall price tag may be a nightmare.
#61. Friend simply topped; Party.
#62. Friend got placed; Party.
#63. Friend simply got committed; Party.
#64. Friend got dumped? somebody simply throw him a cheer-up party already!
#65. Your standing on Facebook? Forever Alone.
#66. square measure you a man and a nerd? Be ready to be bhai-zoned, buddy!
Are you an engineer? Did we miss a point? Tell us in the comments below!

66 Things Only An Engineering Student Will Understand.

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Thursday 29 January 2015
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11 Things That Only Happen In Engineering !

| Friday 16 January 2015
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1)  Girls in Mechanical and Civil Department are like 404 errors. They are not & never found.

2) Re-vivas are not. Re-vivas are horrifying.

3) Friend just topped; Party. Friend got placed; Party. Friend just got committed; Party. Friend got dumped? Someone just throw him a cheer-up party already!

4) You are filled with an impending sense of doom that when you realize that each of the three questions in your assignment has multiple lettered parts in it.

5) You can barely remember a time when math actually involved numbers.

6)  The course material is difficult, but the worst part is how time-consuming it is.

7)  Classes that start with 60 students end with less than 20 by the time you’re a senior and the reaction of the teacher be like…

8)  Exam preparations start on the same day. Kal kab aayega?

9)   Sometimes, exam questions ask you about material you haven’t learned yet. The professors will just grade you on your problem-solving process.

10)  You can’t just get out of the vicious circle of ATKTs and backlogs

11)  “I’ve completed my syllabus,” said no Engineer ever.

11 Things That Only Happen In Engineering !

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Friday 16 January 2015
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6 Haunted Places in India That Guarantee Goosebumps

| Tuesday 13 January 2015
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6 Haunted Places in India That Guarantee Goosebumps

1. Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan

“The fort is jammed on weekends and holidays. counsel you go here on a weekday to expertise its eerie aura,” says HolidayIQ mortal Shivam Gupta.
If you have got nerves of steel, take a peek into The Bhangarh Fort. it's recognised because the ‘most haunted place’ by the govt of India. A board has been place up by the archeologic Survey of India on the fort gate that prohibits tourists from getting into the fort space once sunset and before sunrise. In 1613 AD, Bhangarh Fort was engineered by Raja Madhu Singh.

2. Alexandre Dumas Coast, Surat

“The beach may be a excellent spot for paragliding, bike rides on the shore, horse and artiodactyl rides,” says HolidayIQ mortal Husain Batliwala. 
This beach has several mystical stories. As per Hindu tradition, somebody's body is burnt once death. Localities here burn dead bodies on this beach. The beach has been associate epicenter of horror stories. With dogs barking all night and voices hear in and round the beach, locals believe the spot is 

3. Shaniwar Wada, Pune

“There area unit several ghost stories hooked up to the current place,” says HolidayIQ mortal Nilesh Shinde. 
Full moon nights at Shaniwar Wada area unit believed to be haunted. Legend has it that the 13-year-old son of Narayana from the Peshwa phratry was viciously dead by his relative. it's aforementioned that the boy unbroken running across the complete fort to avoid wasting his life and unbroken shouting for facilitate. On a full-of-the-moon night, even today, it's believed that the boy is seen running and shouting for facilitate. 

4. Lambi Dehar Mines, Mussoorie

The mines area unit settled within the outskirts of the city. Legend has it that within the early Nineteen Nineties, once associate accident at the mines, 50,000 staff lost their lives. the encircling area unitas area unit abandoned and are believed to be haunted. 

5. Tunnel 33, Shimla

Nothing is spookier than a haunted tunnel! many horror stories are related to Shimla and it's aforementioned to own many haunted spots. Tunnel No. thirty three is one such place, that is claimed to be haunted by the ghost of British Railway Engineer, commissioned military officer Barog. But, he's believed to be a friendly ghost.

6. Dow Hill, Kurseong

"A should visit after you visit Kurseong,” says HolidayIQ mortal Aumit Raye from urban center. 
Dow Hill is rumored is claimed to be troubled with paranormal activities. The Victoria Boys highschool is believed to be the place wherever spirits reside. native residents say that the sound of footsteps emanating from the varsity is detected even once the varsity is closed. it's claimed that there's one stretch, usually referred to as the Death Road, wherever some woodcutters have rumored seeing a headless boy following them. He apparently walks down towards the road and so disappears into the woods.

6 Haunted Places in India That Guarantee Goosebumps

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Tuesday 13 January 2015
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60 Rare Photos of India That Will Destroy Everything You Knew about The Past

| Friday 9 January 2015
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60 Rare Photos of India That Will Destroy Everything You Knew about The Past




These beautiful images of known folks and places of Republic of India revealing the aspect you have got ne'er seen before which can leave you baffled with the eras that have return and gone. i'm certain most of the photographs can surprise and provoke your thoughts to get your hands on history of nice Republic of India.






A young AR Rahman with Yesudas

A young AR Rahman with Yesudas

Actress Madhubala Photoshoot for LIFE Magazine

Actress Madhubala

A rare photo of APJ Abdul Kalam from his College Days

A rare photo of APJ Abdul Kalam from his College Days

Amitabh Bachchan and his Family – 1970

Amitabh Bachchan and Family - 1970

Bombay in 1950

bombay in 1950

A Rare picture of First President of India Dr. Rajender Prasad

President Rajender Prasad

Rolls Royce Depot – Bombay

Rolls Royce Depot - Bombay

Phoolan Devi – the Bandit Queen of India in the early 1980

Phoolan Devi - the Bandit Queen of India in the early 1980

The first Indian Cricket team tour to England – 1886

parsi cricket team

Death of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa with a young Vivekananda ( 4th from left ) Mourning

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa with a young Vivekananda

Rabindranath Tagore With Sir Maurice Gwyer and Dr. S. Radhakrishnan at Sinha Sadan after the Oxford University Convocation on 7 August 1940

rabindranath tagore and radhakrishnan

Young Sachin Tendulkar & Vinod Kambli

Sachin & Kambli

Pranab Mukharjee three decade ago

pranab mukharjee

Opera house mg road in Bangalore – 1950’s

opera house mg road

Netaji Subash Candra Bose and parents

netaji subash candra bose and parents

Naval Tata, Ratan Tata and Noel Tata

Naval Tata, Ratan Tata and Noel Tata

Mahatma Gandhi’s Last photo

Mahatma Gandhi's Last photo

A Very rare photo of Nathuram Godse, who shot Mahathma Gandhi


This was the last time when Netaji was caught by Britishers

It was a last time when Netaji wat caught by Britishers

Anna Hazare as an Army man

Anna Hazare as an Army man

A rare photo Indian Cricketers Sachin, Sehwag and Zaheer partying & dancing.


Chandrashekhar Azad dead body

Chandrashekhar Azad

Indira Gandhi, Charlie Chaplin and Jawaharlal Nehru in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, 1953


Death sentence judgement poster of bhagat singh, sukhdev, rajguru and others(1930)

Death sentence judgement poster of bhagat singh, sukhdev, rajguru and others(1930)

Indian Wrestler The Great Khali

Indian Wrestler The Great Khali

First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Nehru watching the snake charmer

jacqueline kennedy

Dr. Ambedkar with family of some of his associates

Dr. Ambedkar with family

Kapil dev and Indira Gandhi

kapil dev and indiral gandhi

Kapil Dev, Shah rukh and Sohail Khan playing football

Kapil Dev and shah rukh

Miss Universe Sushmita Sen and Miss World Aishwarya Rai in the 90s

Miss Universe Sushmita Sen and Miss World Aishwarya Rai in the 90s

A photograph depicting the marriage of HH Yuvaraja Sir Sri Kantirava Narasinharaja Wadiyar to HH Yuvrani Kempu Cheluvammanniyavaru Urs in Mysore in 1910

Mysore in 1910

Ooty in Tamil Nadu – 1880

ooty 1880

Prof. R Narasimhan, Architect of the First Digital Computer in India [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Automatic Calculator-TIFRAC]

Prof. R Narasimhan, Architect of the First Digital Computer in India[Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Automatic Calculator-TIFRAC]

An Extremely rare picture of Rabindranath Tagore & Albert Einstein together

Rabindranath Tagore & Albert Einstein

Randhir Kapoor, Raj Kapoor and Rekha (1970)

Randhir Kapoor, Raj Kapoor and Rekha (1970)

Sachin Tendulkar and Vinod Kambli while studying in school

Sachin tendulkar With Vinod Kambli

Sarla Thakral was only 21 year old when she became the first Indian woman to earn a pilot license (1936)

Sarla Thakral

Satyagrahis Demostrating Against British Rule

Satyagrahis Demostrating Against British Rule

Secundrabagh, Lucknow, After the Slaughter of 2,000 Rebels, With the Skeletons Lying Around – 1858

Secundrabagh, Lucknow, After the Slaughter

Shahrukh Khan and Gauri in their young age

Shahrukh Khan and Gauri

Sir CV Raman explaining raman effect

sir cv raman explaining raman effect

Sir Mohinder Dhillon, The cockerel-fighter from Punjab who became one of Africa’s greatest cameramen, pictured on the deck of British Navy ship in Kenya, 1967

Sir Mohinder Dhillon

Student of university of Madras (1948) – While studying late night, Students used to tie their hairs to a nail in the wall for keeping themselves awake.

Student of university of Madras

The First Freedom Struggle of India in 1857 – two men hanged by British

The First Freedom Struggle of India in 1857 - two hanged by British

Indian Cricket Team 1994 having a lighter moment in the dressing room


A Rare picture at shooting spot of Yash Chopra, Anil Kapoor & Sridevi

Yash Chopra, Anil Kapoor & Sridevi

The late actress Zohra Sehgal at her young acting career

young Zohra Sehgal

Gabbar Singh on Glucose – D biscuit advertisement poster


Zeenat Aman winning second runner up in the Miss India contest 1970

Zeenat Aman is second runner up in the Miss India contest 1970

Zeenat Aman in Air India Advertisement

zeenathaman air india

Subash Candhra Bose meeting with Hitler

subash candhra bose and hitler

Swami Vivekananda and Narasimhacharya (standing) in America. This is one of the first pictures of Swami Vivekananda in America

Swami Vivekananda and Narasimhacharya

Jawaharlal Nehru meeting Albert Einstein at Princeton, USA, 1949

Jawaharlal Nehru meeting Albert Einstein at Princeton, USA, 1949

MS Dhoni childhood photo

ms dhoni

Dev Anand, Dilip Kumar and Raj Kapoor in a single photo

Dev Anand, Dilip Kumar and Raj Kapoor in a single photo

Lady Mountbatten receives a farewell embrace from Governor-General of India C. Rjagopalachari, 1948

lady mountbatten

Flora Fountain,Bombay 1880

Flora Fountain,Bombay 1880

Seetha Devi – Indian silent film acctress in 1925

seetha devi - 1925 - indian silent film

Aerial view of Maidan Kolkata 1870

Aerial view of Maidan Kolkata 1870

Finally Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in NCC during his childhood days

Shri Narendra Modi in NCC during his childhood days

60 Rare Photos of India That Will Destroy Everything You Knew about The Past

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Friday 9 January 2015
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