These War Strategies Used By Indians Across Generations Are Mindblowing

| Saturday 31 January 2015

These War Strategies Used By Indians Across Generations Are Mindblowing

From the Rajputs to our terribly own army, air force and navy, Indians across generations came up with some very novel ways in which to defeat the opposition they faced  throughout war. Here are seven that'll undoubtedly blow your mind!

1. Elephant costumes for horses

Merwar rulers in Asian country fooled opposition elephants by creating their horses wear baby elephant trunks. Therefore, opponents' elephants would refuse to attack the horses thinking they were truly baby elephants. Maharana Pratap used this war plan of action within the famed Battle of Haldi Ghati.

2. Small gates inside forts in Rajasthan.

in Rajasthan, forts were created in such manner|how|some way|the way|the simplest way} that the gates to any space or hall were continually way too little. At first, this appears like a construction error. however there is a lot of thereto. throughout a war state of affairs, because the troopers from the opposite troop entered and bent their heads to urge in, troopers standing next to the gate would chop their heads off. In fact, generally the gates would hospitable a dead finish before. Scary!

3. Using South Indians in war to confuse Pakistanis.

During the 1971 war, the Republic of Indian army deployed South Indian signal employees so as to confuse the Pakistanis World Health Organization had a superior code breaking instrumentation than India at the time. The South Indians spoke in languages that weren't simply well-known to the Pakistanis and this helped Indians communicate on the QT.ates would receptive a dead finish ahead. Scary!

south indian

4. Did you know Indians were pioneers in rocket artillery?

Mysore was the primary Indian state back within the day to use iron-cased rockets for military functions. Hyder Ali, the eighteenth century ruler of Mysore, and even yellow jacaranda swayer, used them against Brits Malay Archipelago Company! yellow jacaranda swayer even wrote the military manual Fathul Mujahiddin, that is taken into account a pioneer book within the field of rocket artillery.


5. When Indians spoke Russian.

The Indian navy crew on-board the missile destroyer INS Nirghat, INS Nipat and INS Veer disbursed communications with the military installation at metropolis and therefore the IAF in Russian. Not English or Hindi! 
This was done to fool the Pakistani service intelligence before the commencement, and through Operation spear, as they might not trace the relations to any offensive ocean movements by the Indian Navy. Operation spear was followed by Operation Python that destroyed the Karachi port within the 1971 Indo-Pak war.
The West Pakistan intelligence mistook this radio chatter as that of the Russian Navy remote within the Arabian Sea (far from Karachi) thinking that it's going to be associated with counter the U.S. Navy movements within the region throughout the war. Poor Pakistanis, that they had no clue what hit them. (Via Aniket Deshpande on Quora)

6. Sending torching bulls the enemy's way.

Our terribly own Shivaji tied burning torches to the horns of bulls and set them free in giant numbers within the dead of the night. From a distance, it appeared as if an outsized army was advancing to attack. Eventually, it simply afraid the hell out of enemy troopers. Shivaji used this strategy to scare Shahistekhan's (Aurangzeb uncle) army. (Via Vijay Thorat on Quora)


7. The Maratha Warriors attacked in groups.

It was within the seventeenth century once the Marathas attacked the encircling Muslim Kingdoms of Bijapur and Qutub Shahi, that had AN outright numerical advantage and large armies, however very little data of the geographical layout of the Western Ghats and therefore the Deccan highland. They wont to build alittle cluster of troopers and attack from mountains from completely different locations that created them seem like an outsized cluster of troopers. 
This technique was used once more throughout Mughal wars. (Via Deepak French Sudan on Quora)


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